Plenary Sessions
Nov. 4 8:30-10:15 [Ballroom]
Chair: TY Tou

Opening address from AAPPS president
Hyoung Joon Choi AAPPS
Opening address from AAPPS-DPP Chair
Abhijit Sen Institute for Plasma Research
Opening address from AAPPS-DPP CEO
Mitsuru Kikuchi AAPPS-DPP, Osaka University
U30 award ceremony
Yasuaki Kishimoto Kyoto University
U40 award ceremony
Xavier Garbet NTU
PIP prize ceremony
Sudeep Bhattacharjee Indian Institute of Technology - Kanpur
Chandrasekhar prize ceremony
Chang Hee Nam Center for Relativistic Laser Science, Institute for Basic Science
Dewar memorial
Philip J Morrison UT Austin
Buti memorial
Abhijit Sen Institute for Plasma Research
Invitation to AAPPS-DPP2025 (Fukuoka)
Hiroki Kondo Kyushu UniversityPlenary1
Nov. 4 11:00-12:30 [Ballroom]
Chairs: C.H. Nam, S. Bhattacharjee, R. Rawat

PL-1 (30min)(30min)
Plasma wakefields: from high energy accelerators to black holes
Pisin Chen Leong Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics, National Taiwan University
PL-2 (30min)(30min)
Cold plasma within a stable supercavitation bubble - a breakthrough technology for efficient inactivation of viruses in water
Miran Mozetic Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana
PL-3 (30min)(30min)
Dry reforming of methane using DBD plasma reactor coupled with Ni/La2O3-MgAl2O4
Nor Aishah Saidina Amin(A) Universiti Teknologi MalaysiaPlenary2
Nov. 5 8:30-10:30 [Ballroom]
Chairs: G. Yun, M. Faitsch, P. Diamond, D. Escande

PL-5 (30min)(30min)
Development of boron coating technologies for high performance plasma on EAST with full metal wall
Guizhong Zuo(MF2) ASIPP
PL-6 (30min)(30min)
Theory of fast ion effect on turbulence-zonal flow interaction in magnetized plasma
Gyungjin Choi(CD) Seoul National University
PL-7 (30min)(30min)
Theoretical and numerical studies on multi-scale turbulence interactions causing effective diffusion
Tomo-Hiko Watanabe(F) Nagoya UniversityPlenary3
Nov. 5 11:00-12:30 [Ballroom]
Chairs: Weizong Wang, N. Tanaka, P.F. Chen

PL-8 (30min)(30min)
Plasma Immunotherapy
Zhitong Chen(A) Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
PL-9 (30min)(30min)
Study on Materials in Extreme Conditions Using High-Power Lasers and XFELs
Norimasa Ozaki(L) Osaka University
PL-10 (30min)(30min)
The nature and dynamics of the forest of solar plasma jets
Piyali Chatterjee(SA) Indian Institute of AstrophysicsPlenary4
Nov. 6 8:30-10:30 [Ballroom]
Chairs: K. Hori, Y. Omura, R. Matsumoto, P. Yoon

PL-11 (30min)(30min)
Characterising turbulent cascades and zonal jet formation from observations of Jupiter and Saturn
Peter Read(CD) University of Oxford
PL-12 (30min)(30min)
Solar Eclipse Effects on the Low Latitude Ionosphere
Abhay Kumar Singh(SG) Department of Physics, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
PL-13 (30min)(30min)
Coronal Magnetic Field Modelling
Michael Wheatland(SA) The University of Sydney
PL-14 (30min)(30min)
Ground VLF transmitter wave propagation in the upper atmosphere
Lunjin Chen(SG) University of Texas at DallasPlenary5
Nov. 6 11:00-12:30 [Ballroom]
Chairs: M. Nishiura, Hyyong Suk, R. Maingi

PL-15 (30min)(30min)
Developing attractive radio frequency actuators for fusion reactors
Masayuki Ono(B) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University
PL-16 (30min)(30min)
Intense attosecond pulse generation from a plasma mirror
Kyung Taec Kim(L) Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
PL-17 (30min)(30min)
Integrating Plasma-Material Interactions with Fusion Nuclear Science
Juergen Rapp(MF2) Oak Ridge National LaboratoryPlenary6
Nov. 7 8:30-10:30 [Ballroom]
Chairs: M. Nakata, Y. Kosuga, T. Yamada, G. Sips

PL-18 (30min)(30min)
Long-time perturbative computation and self-organized evolution of Internal Transport Barrier in fusion plasmas
Shaojie Wang(F) University of Science and Technology of China
PL-19 (30min)(30min)
Impact of avalanche type of transport on the profile formation in toroidal plasmas
Fumiyoshi Kin(CD) Kyoto University
PL-20 (30min)(30min)
Enhanced Measurement of MHD and Turbulence Dynamics Through Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging Diagnostics on KSTAR
Jaehyun Lee(B) Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (KFE)
PL-21 (30min)(30min) Energy-sensitive X-ray Cameras for Thermal and Non-Thermal Plasmas:
Luis F. Delgado-Aparicio(MF1) Princeton University Plasma Physics Laboratory
Energy-sensitive X-ray Cameras for Thermal and Non-Thermal Plasmas:
A 12-Year Technology and Physics Journey
Luis F. Delgado-Aparicio(MF1) Princeton University Plasma Physics Laboratory Plenary7
Nov. 7 11:00-12:30 [Ballroom]
Chairs: M. Hoshino, Min Chen, Felix Parra-Diaz

PL-22 (30min)(30min)
Electron injection at galaxy cluster merger shocks
Jacek Niemiec(SA) Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow
PL-23 (30min)(30min)
Probing Extreme Physics with Plasma Accelerators
Stuart Mangles(L) Imperial College London
PL-24 (30min)(30min)
Relaxation of dark matter in galaxies and energetic particles in plasmas through a common resonance-broadened kinetic theory
Vinicius Duarte(B) Princeton Plasma Physics LaboratoryPlenary8
Nov. 8 8:30-11:00 [Ballroom]
Chairs: K. Hanada, A. Sen, K. Koga, N. Rubab, H. Jhang

PL-25 (30min)(30min)
Achievements and Lessons Learned from JT-60SA’s Integrated Commissioning towards DEMO
Shizuo Inoue(MF1) QST
PL-26 (30min)(30min)
Plasma-wall interaction, exhaust and wall conditioning studies in the stellarator Wendelstein 7-X with actively cooled high heat flux divertor and experiments with tungsten PFCs
Chandra Prakash Dhard(MF2) Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Greifswald
PL-27 (30min)(30min)
Physical insights and process development of magnetized Capacitively Coupled plasmas
Quan-Zhi Zhang(A) Dalian University of technolgoy
PL-28 (30min)(30min)
Kelvin Helmholtz Instability in Non-Maxwellian magnetized dusty plasma
Sadiq Usman(SG) University of Wah
PL-29 (30min)(30min)
Thermodynamics of magnetized plasma through experimental observations: superadiabaticity, entropy and energy content
Sudeep Bhattacharjee(F) Indian Institute of Technology - KanpurPlenary10
Nov. 8 14:30-15:30 [Ballroom]
Chairs: Y. Uesugi, M. Kikuchi

PL-30(30min) Poster Prize

PL-31(30min) Closing