     Division of Plasma Physics         
     Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies
      AAPPS Bulletin    


Prizes and Awards

 2021 Prizes and Awards table

S. Chandrasekhar Prize
of Plasma Physics
The Chandrasekhar Prize is awarded by the Division of Plasma Physics of the AAPPS to recognize outstanding contributions to experimental and/or theoretical research in fundamental plasma physics and plasma applications in all fields of physics.
This Prize will be given to an AAPPS-DPP member who has made seminal / pioneering contribution to any field of plasma physics or plasma applications as stated above.
AAPPS-DPP Plasma Innovation Prize Any DPP members (not a member of the committee making the selection) may submit one nomination or seconding letter for “AAPPS-DPP Plasma Innovation Prize” in any given year.
A nomination should include: A letter evaluating the nominee's
qualifications in the light of the particular features of the prize and identifying the specific work to be recognized.
Young Researcher Award

This award has been established by AAPPS-DPP from 2016 for APPC-13.
A young researcher who, by the date of nomination deadline, is 40 years old or younger and 31 years or more. can be nominated (i.e., self-nominated or nominated by others)
for this prize based on his/her significant contribution in the study of plasma-related science and engineering.
U30 Scientist and Student Award   This award recognizes exceptional U30 (under 30 years old) scientists/ students who have performed original work of outstanding scientific quality and achievement in the area of plasma physics. 
AAPPS-DPP Poster Prize

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